Monday 9 July 2012

Know her tastes before buying engagement rings

Choosing one of the best engagement rings for your beloved is not that easy if you are buying it without her. You need to know her taste if you want to give her a surprise. Now the question is how would you know designs she would prefer to wear. Here are few tips that can be of great help to you in making the selection.

You can ask her about rings very casually. Say, for example you are passing by a jewelry store, pretend that you are interested in a watch and drop a comment in a general way about the style of rings and say the one you like the most. Also ask her which style she prefers. If you are quite good in managing these things, she won’t understand it if you are not too good, she might guess it but she won’t be sure of it.

There is also another way of knowing about her choice when it comes to engagement rings. You can just comment about your friend’s wedding band or ring and ask her choice at the same time.

Asking her family members about her taste is not a bad idea. But this will surely depend upon whether you would want them to know about the ring before she comes to know about it.

You can as her friends to go out with her in a jewelry shop and tell them to ask her about her preferences. But for this you need to take help of the people whom who will be able to trust. However, this isn’t a good option if you do not want anyone to know until the time of proposal.

The dresses and jewelries she wears will give you an idea about her tastes. Find out whether she likes plain, contemporary, classic or fancy jewelries and accordingly make your choice when it comes to buying diamond engagement rings for her.

1 comment:

  1. Very Good tips for buying diamond engagement rings. Find more information about diamond engagement rings which are comes with beautiful unique LCD engagement rings box
