Saturday 17 March 2012

How Diamond Rings Gained Popularity?

Diamond rings have become very popular as engagement rings in today’s world. These jewelries even have a rich history dating back to the fifteenth century. A diamond ring was in fact used as a form of gift for the first time when Australia’s Archduke Maximillian proposed Burgundy’s Mary a diamond engagement ring as a mark of their engagement in 1477. It has been since then that finger jewelries set with these precious stones are considered as an object of good fortune for husbands and wives.

In 1870 when diamond mines were discovered in the country of Africa, the market for diamond became more popularized. It was after this that people started to present diamond rings quite often. However, if you think that people from all strata and social class could present their spouse with this piece of jewelry, you are wrong; it was a practice prevalent only amongst the wealthy and the rich. Even today, it is the wealthy class who can afford to buy and present diamond engagement rings to their spouse. Would you like to present your beloved or the one whom you are planning to get married with a diamond engagement ring? 

Nowadays, a lot of brands have come up manufacturing diamond engagement jeweler pieces for ring fingers. Amongst the various brands Simon G happens to be one of the most well recognized jeweler all over the world. So, if you are purchasing diamond rings, always ensure to buy Simon G diamond rings. You can find many shops off-line and online that stocks this brand finger ornaments.

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